“The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”
Exodus 33:14
God is speaking to Moses in the Scripture above. The Lord’s presence is obviously something of great value. As God is speaking to Moses, he calls him to remember how God has provided and protected the Israelites. He delivered them from the Egyptians and led them into the wilderness. He provided food in the form of manna and quail and water for the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness waiting until they could enter the Promised Land. Time and time again God reveals to the Israelites that his presence is with them each and every step of their journey.
The requirements of our day to day lives can leave us feeling exhausted, empty, and questioning how we are to get up tomorrow and repeat it all over again. The value of God’s presence in our day to day lives should never be minimized. As we walk through each and every day, we should walk peacefully remembering the verse above. The Lord’s presence is with us always. While it may be easy to get caught up in the day to day, or even planning ahead and thinking of all that is to be done or may be required of you at work or at home, try instead to take it one step at a time.
Keep your mind centered on God, and as your day grows increasingly more demanding remember that he is guiding you always. Also take time to remember that God did not design us to live life as a series of never-ending to do lists. God himself took a day of rest when creating the world. Throughout the Old Testament we also see the practice of the Sabbath, a day of rest for God’s people. While we may not practice the Sabbath today, it is critical that we take time to rest in God’s presence. Take time for yourself, to relax, recharge, and recenter your heart and mind on the Lord and not the overwhelming stresses of the day to day life you live.
Father God,
Thank you for going with me each and every day. Thank you for your constant presence. Lord when it all seems overwhelming and too much to handle, please give me the rest and strength I need to carry on.
In Jesus’ Name,