“But if your servant says to you, “I do not want to leave you,” because he loves you and your family and is well off with you, then take an awl and push it through his earlobe into the door, and he will become your servant for life. Do the same for your female servant.”
Deuteronomy 15:16-17
In the Old Testament, a slave was able to be released from his master after serving a set number of years. A slave could be free to go and do whatever he or she pleased to do, whether it was building their own family, developing their own trade, or simply going to live the life they had dreamed of while they have been enslaved. Each slave had a choice after their time served was up: to go, leaving their master’s house forever, or to stay with their master. Should a slave choose to stay, their ear was pierced as a symbol of their lifelong commitment to their master.
There is a popular worship song based on the Scripture above. Some of the lyrics are below:
Pierce my ear, O Lord my God.
Take me to your door this day.
I will serve, no other God.
Lord I’m here to stay.
For you have paid the price for me.
With your blood, you ransomed me.
I will serve you eternally.
A free man I’ll never be.
This song and Scripture highlight the deep meaningful commitment a Christian makes when they come before God. When a man or woman gives their life to God, they are figuratively telling God that they will forever become his slave. By this a Christian says to God, I will never leave you and I want to be in your presence, serving you for the rest of my days. The Lord God is our master! While slavery and the term slave have a negative connotation, this biblical definition gives the term new meaning. To serve God is to put his will above our own and to live a life of obedience to him because we are well of with him. God in return is a good master, and will care for us all of our earthly and Heavenly days.
As I come into your presence today, please know that I am here to stay for eternity. I do not want to serve myself or any other god, but want to be fully committed to you. Pierce my ear, and let me live a life of service to you.
In Jesus’ Name,