“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17
Take a moment to reflect on these words. Consider how they match up with your own life. Paul is saying that everything we do ought to be done in the name of Jesus. Everything that we do ought to be glorifying to God and reflective of our gratitude to him.
How much of what you do is truly done in the name of Jesus. How much of your daily activity do you do with Jesus in mind? I’ll be honest, it’s easy to get stuck in a daily routine where a large majority of my day isn’t focused on Jesus at all. It has become very common in our culture to segment our lives. From 9-5 on weekdays we work. From 5 to 10 we eat dinner and spend time with friends or family. The rest of the time, we sleep. If we’re lucky, a couple hours on Sunday and maybe on Wednesday will be dedicated to Jesus.
That’s not how it was intended to be.
Worshiping in community with other believers at church once or twice a week is a great thing, but it isn’t the only time that Jesus should be at the front of your mind. We shouldn’t separate our work from our faith, or our family from our faith, or our social lives from our faith. Instead, our faith in Jesus Christ should permeate and even dictate every one of those other aspects of our lives. Everything we do, from our jobs to our daily interactions to household chores should be done with a mindset focused on Christ and bringing glory to him.
It’s easy to do when you immerse yourself in the word of God. In fact, when you surround yourself with his word, with the truth of his sacrifice, and with the knowledge of his steadfast love, it’s impossible not to let it into the rest of your life. You see it is a life-changing truth. No one who knows the truth of Jesus – truly knows it and believes it – can possibly live without it informing their every word and deed.
Do you know Jesus? Do you truly believe that he is the Son of God and that he sacrificed himself for your sake, and that by his death and resurrection you have been given the gift of eternal life? If so, then let’s act like it.
Dear God,
Thank you for the truth of Jesus that has changed everything for us. Thank you for saving us from our slavery to sin and bringing us into new life with you. Father, help us not to let our routines bog us down and keep us from living every moment as an act of worship to you.
In Jesus’ Name,