“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
It is inevitable that in this life we will have times where we are knocked down, times where we feel as if everything and everyone is against us. But in these times, we are not destroyed nor are we alone. Adversity is unavoidable, so learning and understanding the purpose of adversity in our Christian walk is critical to our faith.
Throughout Scripture, many men and women faced hardship. Whether it was the Israelites in their slavery to the Egyptians, or the Disciples in the New Testament facing persecution for sharing the Gospel, the Bible is filled from beginning to end with stories of God’s people in times of trouble. Despite the ways that adversity many manifest itself through death, persecution, famine, etc., the men and women of the Bible came together in difficult times to further their faith and to seek God’s guidance. They did not allow their struggles to define them, but instead their adversity led them to a deeper comradery.
Adversity grabs our attention. It brings us to a halt and forces us to turn our attention to the problem at hand, and the problems that may be too big for us to resolve on our own. It forces us to turn to God for His help, his counsel, to navigate the problem at hand. It also forces us to take a look around at who remains with us and stays by our side during difficult times and breeds deeper, more meaningful relationships.
Adversity isn’t usually something that Christians think of as positive, but Scripture shows us how difficult times can be thought of in a positive light. Our weaknesses help us to come before God and rely on His strength. When we feel alone in our struggles, we will be able to see who our real friends are as they will walk with us through difficult times. Adversity motivates us to cry out to God, and to better understand his love for us. What doesn’t kill us, will make us stronger in our faith and bring us closer to our God.
In times of adversity let us come before you and thank you. Our difficult times can be a blessing if only we change our mindset. Help us to know we are not alone, and to see our comrades around us. Let us come before you in times of weakness, for you will make us strong.
In Jesus Name,