“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
There is much debate and resistance around the statement that America is a Christian country. The same can probably be said for much of the Western world. There is a long tradition of Christianity in most Western countries, but the governments are not explicitly religious, nor are the people required to subscribe to any religion. In America specifically, the roots of Christianity that have pervaded the country to centuries are beginning to whither. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that as that happens, our country has grown more divisive and polarized, more anxious and depressed with continued social, racial, and economic inequality.
I firmly believe that these things would all be improved by our country returning to God. Similar things happened to the Israelites. Time and time again, they would turn from God and things would begin to fall apart. When they returned to him and repented, things would get better. It’s just a natural result of high proportions of a population living according to God’s word. It just works better. It’s almost as if God planned it that way!!
As members of Christ’s Church, it’s our responsibility to bring Christ to our nation, to a culture that is increasingly anti-Christian, and to people that badly need him. It’s not some kind of “karma” where if enough of us follow the rules God will make us all rich and happy and healthy. It’s the cumulative effect of more and more people following Jesus, living selflessly, loving unconditionally, that will make waves of change in our nation.
First, we have to humble ourselves and seek God earnestly. We have to repent and turn toward him. It will not go unnoticed. God will see, and he will meet us where we are. We don’t have to go far to find him, because he’s already waiting for us. If Christ’s Church will step up to our call as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, we can make this nation and this world a better place. It doesn’t require government changes. It doesn’t require laws. It simply requires a Church that is committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus.
Empower your Church to live fully for you and to boldly proclaim your good news. Help us to reach a world that needs you, but just doesn’t know it yet. We do know it, and so it’s our job to share it. I pray that you would help us do that, and help us to change the world through the power of Christ.
In Jesus’ Name,