Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional – 1 Samuel 8:12 – August 22, 2024

“He will appoint them to him for captains of thousands, and captains of fifties; and he will assign some to plow his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and the instruments of his chariots.” – 1 Samuel 8:12

When I read this verse, I am reminded of God’s sovereignty and His ability to appoint leaders and assign tasks according to His will.

1 Samuel 8:12 highlights the various roles and responsibilities that God assigns to different individuals. As Christians, we can apply this verse by trusting in God’s divine plan for our lives, knowing that He equips us with specific tasks and abilities to fulfill His purposes.


Dear Lord, thank you for appointing us to specific roles and tasks in your kingdom. Help us to trust in your guidance and to faithfully carry out the assignments you have given us. May we serve you wholeheartedly in all that we do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of GuidedByPrayer.com and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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