Egg Cleanse Prayer

Egg Cleanse Prayer

The Egg Cleanse Prayer, also known as the Egg Limpias or Egg Cleansing Ritual, is a spiritual practice that has been used for centuries by various cultures around the world. It is a form of energy cleansing that is believed to remove negative energy, psychic debris, and other impurities from an individual’s aura or energy field. This practice involves using a raw egg to draw out negative energy, which is then disposed of, leaving the person feeling lighter, more balanced, and spiritually renewed. The Egg Cleanse Prayer is often performed by shamans, healers, and spiritual practitioners and is considered a powerful tool for spiritual and emotional healing.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Egg Cleanse Prayer. May God Bless You!

Egg Cleanse Prayer

God Creator,
My beloved spirit family, the faerie kingdom, the stone people, Star Nations and all ancestors who are loving, helpful and wise from the family of 100% love and light, thank you for cleansing me in body, m ind and spirit. Thank you for releasing all negative thought forms, negative energies, negative attachments, or spells. I invoke the violet flame to transmute them into light. Thank you for removing all negative energy created by me or sent to me. Let all these negative energies escorted home to the light or be transformed into the light. So be it.

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